Saturday, 8 December 2007

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

You are My servant although you deny it.

You are My creation whom I love, feed, clothe and shelter but in return give little appreciation.

You are the one I have chosen over all other creatures, the one I honoured with a free will, a powerful mind and guidance but still act the worst of the worst.

You are the one whom I have chosen to give and preserve life through but death and destruction have become your favourite hobbies.

You are the one I have given the role to lead all back to the life of ease but have chosen to lead to the path of hardship.

You are the Son of Adam, a human being.

But you are not all the same. Some of you have chosen to respond to My call and outstrip in goodness. Others have responded but, while not leading in good work, withhold their own evils from harming others. Still others have responded with their tongues but denied with their actions, neither establishing good nor holding back their evils but destroy all that is good and harm as much as they can.

For all of you I have prepared a resting place beyond your imagination, but sadly not all of you will make it back to your original home and very few of you will reach its highest place.

You see, the similitude of this life is that of a race. All racers start from the same point and same chance of winning. Yet at the finishing line some will reach quickly, others after a while still others will be distracted from their main goal and never make it.

The winner in the race is the one who utilises his time and ability very efficiently and stays focused on his goal.

In My race, there are many winners, all can reach the finishing line provided stay focused on their goal and when distracted re-focus again.

For Me, time is of the essence. Whomsoever values it will be exalted and whomsoever neglects it will be abased.

Now I have answered your question, let me ask you this:

“Are you amongst the good-doers who bring hope and happiness to all or the one who is causing harm to others but in reality only harming himself?

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